Ravi shankar
4 min readAug 1, 2022


Five Industrial Automation Trends for Manufacturing Industry

Automation is the new way of life for the industrial acceleration after Covid. The growth and support for the manufacturing industry is strongly backed upon by the dependability and accuracy of automation technologies. When we talk about Industry 4.0, it seems like a whole coordination of IOT, Automation, Robotics accompanied with perfect synchronization. According to businesswire.com, the Indian Industrial Automation Market is expected to witness a CAGR of 13.12% over the period of 2022 to 2027.

Here, we are talking about the deep impact automation has set in the form of ‘Automation Trends’ for the automated manufacturing industry within India and the whole world.

Some of the most visible trends in the manufacturing industry look like -Seeing around corners in 360° in manufacturing industry

Industries like auto, architecture and product manufacturing are reaping great benefits by embracing augmented reality in their process cycle. The real time design and performance in the AR world helps designers, engineers, and architects to test the product virtually before it could actually be created physically. It minimizes efforts, resolves errors in the beginning and saves expenses at the same time. Some companies are using remote assistance to troubleshoot products while their teams are actually working from different corners of the world. They can make real time changes while collaborating and using wearable AR glasses, wearable headsets thereby reducing travel expenses.

Image source — www.sme.org
  • Viewing the fourth wave in 3D in manufacturing industry

A lot of wastage is being cut while using 3D printing in the manufacturing industry. The additional steps like welding and screwing for some specific products are removed from the process. With 3D printing, there are more possible ways to design and create a product like never before. The plastics are recycled, hence contributing to nature’s cycle and reducing travel costs.

  • Advanced manufacturing on autopilot in industrial automation

In large scale manufacturing industries, robotic activity is attaining better productivity, protecting from hazardous work environments and increasing accuracy and efficiency. The inclusion of robotics makes manufacturing more and more automated. In automated manufacturing plants, the new robotic generation can operate on voice recognition, image recognition and perform human tasks in the industry setting with minimal human intervention.

  • Predictive maintenance powered by Machine learning –

The AI enabled smart machines in the automated manufacturing industry assess the current scenario, procure raw materials and sense the forthcoming machine glitches, fixing the same in advance and shifting the focus from surviving to thriving. Machine learning accelerates industrial equipment efficiency from mere 65% to 85%.

  • Achieving perfect quality management with Machine learning –

With each and every passing day, the quality of products in an automated manufacturing unit becomes better. Thanks to the amazing ability of machine learning devices that walk through thousands of product cases to trace the shortcomings and learn from the best ones. The consistent quality check removes poor performing elements from the chain and strengthens product quality.

  • Building intelligent factories in the cloud technology

Cloud computing and smart sensors have become an integral part of the manufacturing industry 4.0. These sensors decode information into measurable units and communicate with other smart devices and machines to operate synchronously. Sensors offer feedback, and also guide machines to shut down their operations. The smart IOT capability assesses production quotas, manages control rooms and creates future projections in the form of smart models. IOT offers information that’s time sensitive, paving the way forward for smarter and timely decisions.

Image source — itbusinessedge.com
  • Robots on the rise i.e. managed by humans

Artificial intelligence and its inclusion in robotics has tremendously affecting the growth of manufacturing automation in 2022. And, as per the industry experts, there is a huge rise expected in the future too. In 2018, in every 10,000 employees working for the global manufacturing processes, there were 74 robots deployed. While, in 2022, the real industrial robots in United states of America alone outweigh the number up to 230,000.

The robotic accuracy and productivity when guided with human intelligence can reap great rewards for manufacturing automation in the long run. Right from assembling and procuring parts inside a manufacturing plant, the smart and AI powered databases interact with robots in real time to assess and perform daily manufacturing operations.


Looking at the huge potential for automated operations in the manufacturing industry, several other industries too look forward to adopting automation. With the ongoing wave of automation trends in 2022, the future is brighter and exciting for the automated manufacturing industry.

Naraiuran partnering with our valuable customers as a potential collaborator to define, build, and establish a safe , secure , scalable and efficient Eco System in the Manufacturing processes.



  1. Control & Automation
  2. Handling system — Robotics
  3. Plant Integration
  4. Cloud Integration &
  5. IoT for tracking system and monitoring

“Our solutions deliver intelligence, control , optimization with seamless integration



Ravi shankar

I judge on my capacity to withstand the worst situation and capability to see through the situation But not on the Sweat It Takes From Zero to here.